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    An indigenous coloring book “Here Is Qingdao” has made its appearance
    2016-04-12 15:57:25

    ????Have you ever carefully observed the gut covers and various seafood on the plate of Qingdao? What kind of visual experience can you imagine when you have an aerial look of Qingdao Bay and markets on Huangdao Road? Can the beer buckets and plastic bags be found in a beautiful picture? Yifei, who is engaging in design work, has drawn his unique impressions of Qingdao in abstract texture and lines. This picture book entitled “Here Is Qingdao” depicts indigenous Qingdao, has recently been published by Qingdao Publishing House. It lets all the friends loving Qingdao draw pictures together.

    ????Because of the Secret Garden, a popular coloring book all over China in 2015, Yifei who works in design had a idea out of sudden. Why not have exclusive coloring books about Qingdao? The descriptions of Qingdao in this book are all his personal impressions including ancient streets and micro-landscapes on horse teeth-shaped stone road, exotic roofs with different appearances, a section of fencing wall with a profusion of plants on Daxue Road, Bo Luo You Zi and Wang Huo Lou almost vanishing in our memory, mackerel, fried squids, stirred clam with pepper, thickly patterns on gut covers, even the rolling sea waves, sky and clouds. He depicts all these images in an abstract way. They are exaggerated but without losing the authenticity.

    ????Regarding which colors are used to depict Qingdao, Yifei told us that sometimes he fills it up with a pure color, sometimes he uses gradient colors or black and white sketches. In a word, the theme is always about Qingdao but the color is constantly changing. The city in his eyes is so colorful. It is not originated from the art but more from his own feelings.

    ????On the debut ceremony, this coloring book about Qingdao was a hot sale for a long time. Most buyers said that they would present this book to their friends in different places as a special gift for them to know about Qingdao. It is said that Qingdao Publishing House will plan to designate Here Is Qingdao as an official Qingdao tourism souvenir and cooperate with Yifei to launch a series of coloring books themed on different cities.

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